120x 90 cm | acrylic on canvas | 2020
- A$ 1,800 -
“The only hope is to resist and avoid contact, just like the kangaroo who’s trying to escape from the flames, waiting for the fire to die out.”
The Whisking Kites of Australia are helping the bushfire to spread, exactly like the airplanes have helped Covid-19 to travel form the region of Wuhan to the rest of the world.
...And now the fire keeps spreading vehemently, reducing every available option around us.
The only hope is to resist and avoid contact, just like the kangaroo who’s trying to escape from the flames, waiting for the fire to die out.
The kangaroo in my artwork is the depiction of a wounded humankind trying to defeat the biggest enemy of the last few decades. My generation and the one before had never seen or imagined such a widespread illness. An unstoppable fire that keeps coming back and spread even when you think it is almost out.
I have always been fascinated by fire in all its forms, from the wood fire oven and stoves in the restaurant’s kitchen where I work, the primal necessary mediums for my culinary creations. But this year its meaning and allegory have touched me deeply, estranging that fascination I used to have.
This is why I decided to paint it in my artworks... To never forget what 2020 has meant for me and for this land that I now call home, Australia.
- A$1,800 -