Evolving integration

101 x 80 cm | oil on canvas | 2021
- A$ 3,400 -

“And it takes kindness to be harmonious with your surroundings.”

Parliament House is one of Darwin’s landmarks and its whole existence was studied to integrate with Darwin’s nature and co-exist along with it.

I have always looked at it with fascination and curiousness as if I could almost look through it. As if the sunlight would help my mind shaping its columns and by cross it, allowing me to see thought it. 

For me it is all about courage and kindness. 

It takes a lot of courage to stand fierce facing Darwin Harbour and cope with the Top End’s wild tropical climate. The heat, the humidity, the rain, the cyclones! 

And it takes kindness to be harmonious with your surroundings. Its vertical elements try to fond with the nature, like a continuous leap of faith to be accepted by the tropical environment around it. 

Its meticulous shaping diffuses the direct sunlight, to protect who is inside from the heat, but not from brightness. A kind gesture that invites the light to pass through it instead of just blocking it.

A$ 3,400


Your own landscape

